$ md5sum file
a69f4d07c630d1285a31354c7cb0f31d file
$ myvar=$(< file)
$ echo "${myvar}" | md5sum
a69f4d07c630d1285a31354c7cb0f31d -
From stdin inside a script:
$ cat myscript
myvar=$(< <(cat))
echo "${myvar}"
$ md5sum file
a69f4d07c630d1285a31354c7cb0f31d file
$ cat file | ./myscript | md5sum
a69f4d07c630d1285a31354c7cb0f31d -
Thanks to Daniele Pilenga for the nested parentheses in the second case !
EDIT: it seems that it doesn't work for binary files, probably because it seems that bash can't store NUL value inside a variable(http://superuser.com/questions/399685/how-to-keep-line-feed-in-result-returned-by-bash-command)... using "base64" command help in thins case :-)
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